Did you know you can save money by refinancing your car loan? Despite car loan terms commonly spanning 2 to 7 years, there are still opportunities to put money back in your pocket. 

If you have a high-interest rate, got a costly loan from the dealership or another lender, or your current loan isn’t fitting your needs anymore, consider exploring car loan refinancing. Here, you’ll find all the info you need to make refinancing your car loan easy to understand.

For many, the concept might seem unfamiliar or complex, but fear not – this comprehensive guide will break down the intricacies of refinancing your car loan, providing you with the knowledge needed to make a well-informed decision.

Ready to explore your car loan refinancing options? Contact Will Bell Mortgage Broker today for personalized advice and solutions

Refinancing Car Loan: What is it?

Refinancing a car loan is a strategic financial move where you trade your existing auto loan for a new one, usually offering improved terms and conditions. This maneuver serves diverse objectives, including the reduction of monthly payments, lowering interest rates, or adjusting the loan duration. 

The core purpose is to optimize your financial position in relation to your vehicle. By seizing the opportunity to secure more favorable terms, you can enhance your overall financial well-being, making car ownership a more manageable and cost-effective part of your financial portfolio. 

Whether seeking immediate financial relief or long-term savings, refinancing empowers you to align your car loan with your evolving financial goals.

How does Refinancing a Car Loan Work?

Opting for a car loan refinance entails settling your current loan by acquiring a new one from an alternate lender. This fresh loan might offer a reduced interest rate, an extended loan term, or both. Consequently, this can lead to a decrease in your monthly payments, granting you enhanced financial flexibility.

The advantages of refinancing become particularly pronounced if your credit score has seen an improvement since your initial car loan or if market interest rates have declined. 

The primary objective is to secure terms superior to your existing loan, translating to potential savings throughout the loan’s lifespan. By capitalizing on improved creditworthiness or favorable market conditions, refinancing becomes a strategic financial move, aligning your car loan with more advantageous terms and contributing to long-term financial well-being.

Top 3 Reasons to Refinance Your Car Loan

  • Lower Interest Rates
    One of the primary reasons individuals opt for car loan refinancing is to secure a lower interest rate. If your credit score has improved or market conditions have changed, you may be eligible for a reduced interest rate, translating to significant savings over time.


  • Monthly Payment Reduction
    Refinancing allows you to renegotiate the terms of your loan, potentially resulting in lower monthly payments. This can be a game-changer for those looking to improve their cash flow or allocate funds to other financial priorities.


  • Change in Loan Term
    Refinancing also provides the opportunity to adjust the duration of your loan. If you’re currently on a short-term loan with high monthly payments, refinancing to a longer-term can ease your financial burden. Conversely, if you want to pay off your car loan faster, refinancing to a shorter term might be the right choice.

Considering refinancing for lower rates, better terms, or both? Let’s find the best options for you – reach out to us now.

5 Steps to Refinance Your Car Loan

  1. Review Your Current Loan Terms: Begin by gathering all the details of your existing car loan, including the interest rate, monthly payments, and the remaining balance. This information serves as a baseline for evaluating potential refinancing offers.
  2. Check Your Credit Score: Your credit score plays a crucial role in determining the interest rate you qualify for. Obtain a copy of your credit report, and if needed, take steps to improve your score before applying for refinancing.
  3. Research Potential Lenders: Explore various lenders and financial institutions to find the best refinancing options. Compare interest rates, fees, and customer reviews to make an informed decision.
  4. Apply for Refinancing: Once you’ve selected a lender, submit your application for refinancing. Be prepared to provide necessary documentation, including proof of income, current loan details, and vehicle information.
  5. Evaluate Offers and Seal the Deal: Upon receiving offers from lenders, carefully review the terms and conditions. If you find a favorable offer, proceed to close the deal by finalizing the paperwork and coordinating the transfer of funds to pay off your existing loan.

Expert Tip

Don’t do this alone! Tag us along and let us do the heavy lifting. The team here at Will Bell Mortgage Broker is more than happy to help you refinance your car loan.

Can You Refinance a Car Loan With the Same Lender?

When considering refinancing your car loan, one common question arises: Can you refinance with the same lender? The short answer is yes, but the decision depends on various factors. 

Many borrowers explore the option of sticking with their current lender for the sake of convenience or loyalty. However, it’s crucial to assess if the same lender is offering better terms than your existing loan. 

Sometimes, shopping around for different lenders can lead to more favorable rates and conditions. Before deciding, compare offers, negotiate with your current lender, and ensure that refinancing with the same lender aligns with your financial goals.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Refinancing Your Car Loan

Refinancing a car loan can be a savvy financial move, but it’s essential to navigate the process with caution. Three common mistakes to avoid are:

  1. Neglecting Credit Score Improvement
    Your credit score heavily influences the interest rate you qualify for. Before refinancing, take steps to boost your credit score. Neglecting this crucial aspect may result in missed opportunities for better terms.
  2. Focusing Solely on Monthly Payments 
    While lowering monthly payments is a common goal in refinancing, it’s crucial to consider the overall cost of the loan. Extending the loan term may reduce monthly payments but could increase the total interest paid over time.
  3. Overlooking Fees and Costs
    Refinancing may come with fees and costs, such as application fees or prepayment penalties. Overlooking these expenses can impact the overall savings you expect to gain from refinancing. Be sure to factor in all associated costs when evaluating the feasibility of refinancing.

Is Refinancing a Car Loan Bad for My Credit?

Concerns about the impact of refinancing on credit are common. The truth is that, initially, refinancing may result in a slight dip in your credit score. This occurs because the lender conducts a hard inquiry into your credit history during the application process. 

However, the impact is typically temporary, and as you make timely payments on the new loan, your credit score can gradually improve. In the long run, if refinancing leads to better terms and financial management, the potential benefits outweigh the temporary dip in your credit score.

How Early Can You Refinance a Car Loan?

The timing of car loan refinancing is a crucial consideration. Generally, there is no specific waiting period to refinance a car loan. However, refinancing too soon after obtaining the original loan may not yield significant benefits.

It’s advisable to wait at least a few months to a year, allowing time for changes in your credit score or market conditions that could result in more favourable refinancing terms.

How Many Times Can You Refinance?

There is no legal restriction on the number of times you can refinance a car loan. Whether you aim for lower repayments over an extended period, albeit with increased interest costs, or your credit score has improved since obtaining the loan, it can be financially beneficial to consider refinancing your auto loan.

When Not To Refinance a Car Loan

  • Car Value is Less Than the Loan Amount

Refinancing can pose difficulties when your car’s current value falls below the outstanding loan amount. This scenario is perceived as high risk by most lenders because they may struggle to recover costs if you default on the loan, particularly if the sale of the vehicle doesn’t cover the remaining amount.

  • Approaching the End of the Loan Term

If you find yourself nearing the completion of your loan term, the potential benefits of refinancing may diminish. The costs associated with the refinancing process, including fees and charges, might outweigh the savings you could accrue. In such cases, the financial prudence of staying with your current lender becomes a more viable option.

  • High Entry and Exit Fees Compared to Potential Savings

Refinancing a car loan involves various fees such as break fees, exit fees, and application fees. When considering refinancing, it’s crucial to evaluate these costs against potential savings.


If you’re in the final stretch of your loan term, the expenses tied to refinancing may surpass any financial advantages, making it more sensible to stick with your current lender. Understanding the balance between fees and savings is key to making an informed decision regarding the feasibility of car loan refinancing in these specific situations.

How Long Does a Car Loan Refinance Take?

The duration of a car loan refinance process varies. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete the refinancing process. 

Factors influencing the timeline include the efficiency of the lender, the completeness of your application, and any additional documentation required. To expedite the process, have all necessary documents ready, respond promptly to lender requests, and stay informed about the progress of your application.

Pros and Cons of Refinancing a Car Loan


  • Loan Type Flexibility: Refinancing empowers you to change your loan type, such as transitioning from secured to unsecured or switching between fixed and variable interest rates.
  • Balloon Payment Option: Adding a balloon payment to your new loan can potentially reduce your repayment amounts, providing financial relief.
  • Extended Loan Term: Refinancing allows the option to increase your loan term, which can be advantageous for reducing the cost of your monthly repayments.
  • Competitive Interest Rates: A new loan often offers more competitive interest rates, leading to reduced repayments and overall interest payable.
  • Savings and Interest Reduction: Refinancing your current loan can result in cost savings and a reduction in the total interest paid over the life of the loan.
  • Co-Signee Adjustment: Adding or removing a co-signee during refinancing, especially if dealing with a bad credit score, can potentially secure a better interest rate.
  • Trade-In for a New Car: Refinancing may make you eligible for a new car if you choose to trade in your current one, providing an avenue for upgrading your vehicle.


  • Extended Loan Term Costs: Opting for a longer loan term during refinancing may lead to paying more in interest over the extended period.
  • Budgeting Challenges with Variable Interest Rates: Choosing a variable interest rate loan can make budgeting more challenging if interest rates fluctuate unexpectedly.
  • Entry and Exit Fees Impact: Depending on the total cost of entry and exit fees, you might end up paying more overall, diminishing potential savings.
  • Time-Consuming Process: Refinancing requires time as you need to compare lenders and rates, along with the application process for a new loan. It can be a time-consuming exercise.


In conclusion, refinancing your car loan can be a strategic financial move, offering potential benefits such as reduced interest rates, lower monthly payments, and improved overall financial flexibility. By understanding the process and following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to make the right decisions for your financial well-being.

Ready to make a smart financial move with car loan refinancing? Let Will Bell Mortgage Broker lead the way to your financial success.

Frequently Asked Questions About Refinancing Your Car Loan

Yes, it’s essential to compile all necessary documents for car loan refinancing, just as you did when initially applying. Since you’re securing a new loan, your new lender will conduct a credit and identity check, reviewing bank statements, payslips, and payment history.

If you’ve recently taken out a car loan within the last 12 months, it’s not advisable to refinance immediately. Multiple credit checks within a short span can harm your credit score, affecting potential savings. Ideally, limit credit checks to once a year or less.

Buying a house in Queensland without a deposit is generally not possible, but there are assistance programs like the First Home Owner Grant which can help cover part of the cost.

Whether car loan refinancing is worthwhile depends on your reasons for wanting to refinance and whether it proves more cost-effective overall. To explore the possibilities of refinancing and gain more insights, reach out to our team today.

Interest rates are influenced by various factors, including the Australian cash rate, the economic environment, the type of loan, and whether you’re considering a new or used car. These elements collectively contribute to the overall determination of the interest rate associated with your financing, shaping the financial landscape for borrowers.

Here are three simple ways:

Get a New Car: You might think buying a cheaper, used car is the best way to save money. However, newer cars often come with much lower interest rates. This is because they hold their value better, making lenders more confident. So, consider saving a bit longer for a brand new car. In the long run, the potentially lower interest rate means more of your money goes toward the car itself.

Research Your Options: Don’t just settle for the standard car loan from your dealer. Spend a bit of time comparing options and interest rates. Research can save you hundreds or even thousands over the loan’s life. 

Maintain a Good Credit History: Paying bills on time, keeping up with utilities and credit cards, and having a good credit history can affect the type of loan you can get. Minimize your debt, stay in the same job and residence, or save for a bigger deposit. Before applying for a car loan, check your credit score and ensure everything is in order.

Picture of Will Bell

Will Bell

Will Bell has 15 years’ experience in the finance industry, the last 11 years he has owned and operated Will Bell Mortgage Broker. He specializes in residential home loans and over the years has carved out a trusted brand. This is proven by the reviews his customers have made regarding the service and the experience he has provided.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.


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  • First Home Buyer Loans
  • Property Investment Loans
  • Mortgage Consultation
  • Loan Prequalification
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Refinancing
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